Friday, May 29, 2009

Trading System Scams

If you have a look for trading systems on the Internet, there are plenty of them for sale
- all promising to make you millions.
When something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Many of the trading systems for sale are unprofitable.
As well as wasting your money, you could lose your trading capital.
Check these points when looking at a trading system to avoid becoming another victim:
Most trading millionaires use systems that are 50-60% accurate. It is virtually impossible in the real world to get 90% accuracy, but that is what some system vendors claim. As soon as you see that, you know that the figure is not realistic, and may be based on a very limited set of test trades.
Real life performance
It is possible to tweak a trading system to get fabulous results on the right set of test data. You simply adjust it to maximise profit. However it is one thing to do that, and another for it to work in real life. Always check to see whether test results are hypothetical, or whether they have been achieved in actual trading.
A good system should have average losses smaller than average profits.
Disclosure of approach
An undisclosed approach is called a "black box" system. You need a lot of faith to use a system that doesn't state how it works. It is preferable to go for a system that provides some information on the approach used
A system that has been around for a while, and has been reviewed and checked out by a number of people (who are not selling it) is preferable to the new kid on the block. Many trading systems spring up, and then quietly disappear once word gets around that they don't work.
Exotic or secret technologies
Innovation is a good thing, but beware of a system vendor who states that their system has some new secret trading approach or includes secret, proprietary approaches used by a hedge fund or investment bank, not previously available.
Iif the system cost millions of dollars for a hedge fund to develop and was truly profitable, would it be for sale for $79.95?
Drawdowns are the maximum negative movement of a trading account. If the system has drawdowns of (say) 30%, you are in for a wild ride, and will need a lot of risk capital. You should be comfortable with the risk factor of the system in real life trading, and this includes the drawdowns.
Does the system make hundreds of trades a week, and rely on split second timing? If so, it may not be practical to trade, unless you have some sort of automation to handle the trades. It may not be possible to execute your trades on time if the system relies on very short term movements.
Take care when selecting a trading system - there are a lot of scams out there.

Forex Funnel - Martingale EA

Requirement :
- Minimum equity of 2500$ per 0.01 lot traded so if you wish to trade 0.1 lot then you should have 25000$
- Leverage : 1:200 or higher
Instruction :
- Copy the .ex4 to your Metabroker\Experts folder and the .dll file to your libraries folderThen open your USD/JPY chart , 1H and active the EA , in the setting tick the box say Allow live trading and the "Allow import of external experts" box.
Setting :
- You can change the lot size to 0.01 per $2500 equity.
- The use time function is used if there is a big news announcement i.e non-farm payroll comes out on the first Friday of everymonth.
This will stop the EA from making trades on that certain day so if you want to set it not to trade on that Friday, you would have "usetime" set to true then Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday set to false and Friday set to true.Then once Friday has passed simply turn "usetime" to false again.
Everything else would run on autopilot, please be informed that if trading 0.01 lots make sure your broker support this otherwise the system will not trade.
Good luck !!!

Trading from home FRED Expert advisor

Automatic Trading Expert Advisor F.R.ED full test version

Apply to a EUR USD 30 min chart

Important Instructions:

After you set up, wait for trades to be placed.Depend on current market conditions, you could see trades placed within the hours after you set up the system.

Normally, you should see trades placed between 24-36 hoursFRED will open trade a few times a week when its internal indicator find the proper market conditions to open trades. FRED doesn't have to open many trades or trade every single day.

The goal is to make a profit, not to make many trades. Usually FRED open 2-15 trades a week ! No trades will be performed during the weekend so there is no need to turm off the EA, it will sleep and continue to trade as soon as the market is opened again.Lot size and Risk : For every 0.1

lot size of the EU your account will use approx $70. So I recommend using these lot size setting for different account sizes :

Account balance $500 : 0.1 lot size

$1000 - 5000 : 0.5 - 1 lot size

$5000 - 10000 : 1 - 5lot size

Forex SPOUTNIK system

Finding the Right Forex Currency Trading System

Welcome to this FREE Forex Currency Trading Systems Guide!

When it comes to choosing our Forex currency trading system we want to ask the question of ”how much is it going to cost?”. This is in reference to the cost of getting set up with the right software and information. The cost of getting started can range depending on your trading system set up, but you need to be ready to make an investment of around $300. If you stop to think about it, a few hundred dollars is a tiny investment for something that can very fast be brining you profits in the $50,000 mark or even more.

Forex- Goldminer indicator

Once you set up the goldminer1 & goldminer2 like above on the 1 hour chart or above you are looking for the signals which are as follows :
How you exit will be determined by which timeframe you are using, I suggest using the same TP and SL i.e 30 pips TP 30 pips SL.

Three Simple Rules Of Winning Traders

About two weeks I went on CNBC and predicted that range will rule the currency markets for the foreseeable future. The price of EURUSD at the time of broadcast? 1.2630. The price of EURUSD at close of trade today? 1.2590. So range reigns in the currency market as every rally fails and every decline proves false breaking the hearts of both bulls and bears and that dynamic will probably last for the rest of this year. Thus with little new to say and holiday shortened week ahead of us I thought we'd change the format this week and skips the price action review concentrating instead understanding the basic building blocks of successful trading.

This past week in Kuwait I gave a presentation titled "3 M's that Drive the Currency Market". It showcased a simple analytical framework created by K and I to explain most of the price movement in currencies. The 3 M's stand for Macro - broad economic and political themes, Micro - day to day economic releases and Monetary - for monetary policy of the G-10 nations. The 3M's model, though relatively straightforward, does a very good job of encapsulating virtually all of the catalysts in the FX market.

As I was flying back to US, my thoughts drifted to the 3M idea and I realized that trading itself can also be summarized in a 3 variable model - a model I call the Three Simple Rules Of Winning Traders.

Rule 1 - Develop an opinion.

Whenever I hear traders tell me, "I don't have any opinion, I just trade price action." I always smile ruefully and think to myself that the trader is both an idiot and a liar. The fact of the matter is that every time you enter the market you are implicitly rendering an opinion on the future movement of price. The difference between those traders who do so implicitly versus those who put forth an explicit reason for their trade is that the former have no clue of what they are doing while the later at least try to figure out the story behind the trade.

It goes without saying that I have little respect for traders who mechanically follow price action like mindless robots. In trading you get paid not for what is happening now, but for what will happen in the future and if you cannot figure out what is likely to drive price towards your target you are just a lemming in the market. Right or wrong, developing an opinion is the cornerstone of a winning strategy.

Rule 2 - Let Price Confirm Your Thesis

To politely paraphrase a very crude Wall Street saying, opinions are like faces - everyone has one. Developing an opinion even one that is ultimately correct is utterly worthless if the market happens to disagree with your assessment. The history if trading is littered with brilliant analysts who were absolutely correct on their calls and yet were bankrupted by the vagaries of price action before they were ever proven right. Your opinion may be dead on, but as traders it is price movement, not opinion that we are trading. Until and unless price corroborates your opinion you have no entry signal for your trade.

Rule 3 - Manage Your Trade

More than anything else great traders are good money managers. I've always believed that you can put two great traders on the opposite side of a position and often both of them will wind up making money. On the other hand put two novices in the same spot and they will more than likely both lose. Trading above all the art of managing the unknown. Let's say you own a sandwich shop in some strip mall in Nebraska. Most likely you would know to within 10 or 20 sandwiches how many customers you will have every single day of the year. Now imagine that sandwich shop was the FX market. The day to day variance would drive most sandwich shop owners insane. Some days you may sell 500 sandwiches, other days you may have to dump all your food supplies into the garbage as no business came through your door. That's why trading at its core is always about managing risk. Every time you trade the operating principle is - Hope for the Best Prepare for the Worst.

The only way we've been able to control risk and at the same time participate in the market is by always cutting our position in half once a short profit target is met. No matter what anyone tell you, there is simply no way to know a priori if any given trade will be successful. At BKT we really believe that half a loaf is better than none. Success in trading is contingent not only on your analysis but on your ability to properly manage your position. That is why the game is hard. To be a winning trader you must be both - a good analyst and an an excellent risk manager..

Forex Auto Run

  • If You Want To Make Serious Money In Forex, You Simply Need To
  • Have The Best System Working For You...
  • Do you want to make consistent profits trading Forex, without wasting hours in front of your computer?
  • Do you want to trade Forex but you don't want to waste thousands of dollars on courses or systems that might not teach you how to do it right?
  • Did you lose money when you tried other Forex systems and courses?

Take a look at Forex Auto Run Features:

  • Easy to install;
  • Easy to use;
  • 10 automated systems;
  • Good for beginners, intermediate and advanced traders;
  • 10 Automatic systems with good risk/reward ratios;
  • Limited losses;
  • Can be used with any MT4 broker;
  • Just press a button and start making money;
  • Highly flexible: choose 1 system to trade or trade 10 at once... It's up to you.
  • Forex Auto Run works with every currency pairs;
  • You can literally be anywhere, doing whatever you like, and make money at the same time!

Street Smart Forex

Winning traders use COMMON SENSE.

First of all you need to recognize that your brain is the best possible weapon that you have on your disposal. Always ready and free of charge. All of those fancy TA tools and trading software are just that – YOUR tools. They don't work on their own. You need to understand how and when to use them. And what is more important – when NOT to use them..

What does "Street Smart Forex" trading system cover?

  • Street Smart Forex is a lethal combination of trading techniques that are easy toimplement and at the same time brutally effective.
  • It includes both day trading and swing trading strategies
  • It is developed as a result of years of trading experience
  • Can be tested without risking any trading capital
  • Strategies are explained in great detail with lots of real life examples, no question is left unanswered
  • There is no fluff, it doesn't talk about history of forex market etc...
    Protects trading capital to the extent that the probability of losing is almost non-existent
  • It can be applied from any country and at any time of the day
  • Applies to all major currency pairs
  • You can start trading with as little as $500 and you don't need any extra products to implement the system
  • System is explained in a step by step fashion
  • identify if you are in a sideways market
  • If not in the sideways market identify the long term trend
  • Enter the market on the signal that is in tune with the long term trend
  • Calculate the signal strength based on my proprietary formula
  • Extract as much profit as possible based on my recursive trailing stop formula
  • You will also learn how to obtain the most reliable real time quotes and charting software
  • How to use the info from the previous trading day to your advantage
  • How to prepare for the trading day
  • How to use volatility to your advantage, which entry signals NOT to take, using power of leverage

Forex Point and Figure System

Discover a time-tested method of profiting in the forex!

Point and figure charting is one of the oldest methods around. It's definitely a "lost art" among traders. Point and figure charts offer crystal clear buy and sell signals, price targets, exit points, and risk management. It's a system that the forex trading world has yet to embrace

Even up to this day, there's no one talking about, thinking about or even trading point and figure charting in forex...until now.

When you order the FxPnF System, you'll gain a whole new understanding of how the forex market works and, most importantly, how you can make a killing trading currencies.

A few of the many benefits include:

  • You will learn how to clearly identify trends and entry signals.
  • You will know when and where to take huge profits.
  • You will learn how to set tight stops.
  • You get access to proprietary indicators.
  • You get a custom MetaTrader 4 point and figure charting program.
  • You will become a highly profitable forex trader, I guarantee it!

News Profiteer

Currency Market Moves Because Of Fundamental News Releases!

Taking advantage of fundamentals is ALL that separates the pro trader from the wannabes.

And the best part is... You don't need to be an economists or have a degree in finance to make money with news.

Take two traders, both just beginners, both took the same beginner's Forex course and learned the basics of trading. Both have similar education and background, and both love trading and their goals are to trade for living for the rest of their lives. Let's call them "John" and "Henry".

John spends all his time studying the chart, he experiments with new indicators, new parameters, and constantly trying out new trade ideas. He gets his emotions in line. But he never realizes the fundamental factor to Forex trading... as a matter of fact, he purposely ignores news releases and he never makes the simple correction that will make his trades profitable

John, later in his life, is the guy you might find frequenting discussion forums, public online trade (chat) rooms, posting some amazing trades, but never ever show you his live account statement... that is, if he even have a live account at this point.

Henry, on the other hand, early on senses that there must be more to Forex trading than just looking at the chart. He may not understand the fundamental news effect to the world economy, but he makes a simple adjustment in the way he looks at trading. Despite the warning from die-hard technical traders to ignore the news, he trusts his intuition and does what's right... not what people told him.

Henry becomes a professional trader. You never see him frequenting Forex discussion forums, or online trade rooms, because he's too busy making a fortune in his live account...

This is NOT a bogus comparison. You CANNOT become a successful Forex trader as long as you think and act like 95% of Forex traders, who end up losing.

Forex Breakout System

"Learn to trade Forex like a Bank Trader..." "Bank Traders are Range Traders"

First, a Few Truths about the Forex Market...

  • If you trade Forex without a system - you will lose! You need a system and good money management to have an advantage in the market.

  • The market is always right. When you win it's always because you followed the market. Your trade will not affect the market, so why try and go against the trend. "run with the bulls" and "follow the crowd"

  • 90% of traders will give their money to the 10% who know what they are doing. The Forex market is a zero sum game. The 10% who know what they are doing will happily take your money - nothing personal. They have no emotion! That is why they are successful!

  • The Forex market is $3-trillion a day market driven by the banks There is a lot of money flowing through the market. The tiniest piece of this pie is enough for your wildest dreams!

  • Most traders with a system lose because they over trade. When you over trade, you are not following the rules. You think you can time it better, or, you feel lucky and trade larger positions. You will always get burned.

These are the simple truths about the Forex market. Truths are usually gained from experience and always cost you more that you bargained for. Use our tried and tested experience to your advantage and become one of the 10% who make real money.

What is Different About This System..

  • Most EA's you buy you don't really understand. The mechanics are always a "secret"......yet you buy them.

  • Many use excessive risk models yet you will put them on your live account immediately because they looked impressive?

  • Many use complicated indicators which only work in certain market conditions.

  • Other EA's don't offer you flexibility

  • Do you watch the news channels?

Here's how we do it...

  • We design automated trading tools that traders understand!

  • We teach you the concept and set you free to explore the options for yourself.

  • We give the trader full control and understanding of the automation capabilities.

  • We give you the flexibility to change any of the variables to suit your needs.

  • We give you a custom indicator to do your own highly accurate visual back testing.

  • We help you take the emotion out of trading!! The system has no emotions. Let it trade for you.

  • We call the "News" channel the "History Channel"

Top 10 Mistakes forex Traders Make

Top 10 Mistakes Traders Make

Achieving success in futures trading requires avoiding numerous pitfalls as much, or more, than it does seeking out and executing winning trades. In fact, most professional traders will tell you that it's not any specific trading methodologies that make traders successful, but instead it's the overall rules to which those traders strictly adhere that keep them "in the game" long enough to achieve success.

Following are 10 of the more prevalent mistakes I believe traders make in futures trading. This list is in no particular order of importance.

1. Failure to have a trading plan in place before a trade is executed. A trader with no specific plan of action in place upon entry into a futures trade does not know, among other things, when or where he or she will exit the trade, or about how much money may be made or lost. Traders with no pre-determined trading plan are flying by the seat of their pants, and that's usually a recipe for a "crash and burn."

2. Inadequate trading assets or improper money management. It does not take a fortune to trade futures markets with success. Traders with less than $5,000 in their trading accounts can and do trade futures successfully. And, traders with $50,000 or more in their trading accounts can and do lose it all in a heartbeat. Part of trading success boils down to proper money management and not gunning for those highly risky "home-run" type trades that involve too much trading capital at one time.

3. Expectations that are too high, too soon. Beginning futures traders that expect to quit their "day job" and make a good living trading futures in their first few years of trading are usually disappointed. You don't become a successful doctor or lawyer or business owner in the first couple years of the practice. It takes hard work and perseverance to achieve success in any field of endeavor--and trading futures is no different. Futures trading is not the easy, "get-rich-quick" scheme that a few unsavory characters make it out to be.

4. Failure to use protective stops. Using protective buy stops or sell stops upon entering a trade provide a trader with a good idea of about how much money he or she is risking on that particular trade, should it turn out to be a loser. Protective stops are a good money-management tool, but are not perfect. There are no perfect money-management tools in futures trading.

5. Lack of "patience" and "discipline." While these two virtues are over-worked and very often mentioned when determining what unsuccessful traders lack, not many will argue with their merits. Indeed. Don't trade just for the sake of trading or just because you haven't traded for a while. Let those very good trading "set-ups" come to you, and then act upon them in a prudent way. The market will do what the market wants to do--and nobody can force the market's hand.

6. Trading against the trend--or trying to pick tops and bottoms in markets. It's human nature to want to buy low and sell high (or sell high and buy low for short-side traders). Unfortunately, that's not at all a proven means of making profits in futures trading. Top pickers and bottom-pickers usually are trading against the trend, which is a major mistake.

7. Letting losing positions ride too long. Most successful traders will not sit on a losing position very long at all. They'll set a tight protective stop, and if it's hit they'll take their losses (usually minimal) and then move on to the next potential trading set up. Traders who sit on a losing trade, "hoping" that the market will soon turn around in their favor, are usually doomed.

8. "Over-trading." Trading too many markets at one time is a mistake--especially if you are racking up losses. If trading losses are piling up, it's time to cut back on trading, even though there is the temptation to make more trades to recover the recently lost trading assets. It takes keen focus and concentration to be a successful futures trader. Having "too many irons in the fire" at one time is a mistake.

9. Failure to accept complete responsibility for your own actions. When you have a losing trade or are in a losing streak, don't blame your broker or someone else. You are the one who is responsible for your own success or failure in trading. You make the trading decisions. If you feel you are not in firm control of your own trading, then why do you feel that way? You should make immediate changes that put you in firm control of your own trading destiny.

10. Not getting a bigger-picture perspective on a market. One can look at a daily bar chart and get a shorter-term perspective on a market trend. But a look at the longer-term weekly or monthly chart for that same market can reveal a completely different perspective. It is prudent to examine longer-term charts, for that bigger-picture perspective, when contemplating a trade.

11 Fascinating Market Correlations You'll Want to Use

11 Fascinating Market Correlations You'll Want to Use

Experienced futures traders know there are many correlations among futures markets - some of which are valuable guides in helping to determine specific market trends, and some of which are fickle. This educational feature will examine some basic correlations among futures markets, and will likely be most beneficial to the less-experienced traders. However, it just might be a good refresher for the experienced traders who may have forgotten a few of the market correlations.

It is important to emphasize that market correlations are never 100% predictable, and that some market correlations can and do make 180-degree turns over a period of time.

U.S. Dollar-Gold: The gold market and the dollar usually trade in an inverse relationship. This has been the case for many years. During times of U.S. economic prosperity and lower inflation, the dollar will usually benefit as money flows into U.S. paper assets (stocks and bonds), while physical assets (gold) are usually less attractive. Conversely, during times of weaker U.S. economic growth, higher inflation or heightened world economic or political uncertainty, traders and investors will tend to flock out of "paper" assets and into "hard" assets such as gold. Inflation is a bullish phenomenon for gold.

U.S. Dollar-U.S. Treasury Bonds: Usually, a stronger dollar means a stronger bond market because of good demand for U.S. dollars (from overseas investors) to buy U.S. T-Bonds. T-Bonds are also seen as a "flight-to-quality" asset during times of economic or political instability. In the past, the U.S. dollar has also benefited from "flight-to-quality" asset moves. However, since the major terrorist attacks on the U.S. and the resulting damage to the U.S. economy, the safe-haven status of the "greenback" has been much less pronounced.

Crude Oil-U.S. Treasury Bonds: If crude oil prices rally strongly, that is a negative for U.S. T-Bond prices, due to notions that inflationary pressures could reignite and become problematic for the economy. Inflation is the arch enemy of the bond market. Rising crude oil prices are also bullish for the gold market.

CRB-U.S. Treasury Bonds: The CRB Index is a basket of commodities melded into one composite price. A rising CRB index means generally rising commodities prices, and increasing inflation. Thus, a rising CRB Index is negative for U.S. Treasury Bond prices.

U.S. Stock Indexes-U.S. Treasury Bonds: Since the bull market in U.S. stocks ended just over two years ago, stock index futures prices and U.S. Treasury bond futures prices have traded in an inverse relationship. When stock prices are up, bond prices are usually down. However, during the long bull market run that preceded the current bear market, stock and bond prices traded in tandem. In fact, years ago, before all the electronic overnight futures trading had begun, the best way to get a good read on how the stock indexes would open was by early trading in the T-bond market. (T-Bond trading opens 70 minutes before the stock indexes).

Silver-Soybeans: This corollary may be more fiction than fact, at least nowadays. But during the "go-go" days of soaring precious metals and soybean prices, it was said that if soybean futures would lock limit-up, bean traders would buy silver futures

Cattle-Hogs: The point to mention here is that if strong price gains or losses occur in one meat futures complex, there is likely to be somewhat of a spillover effect in the other meat complex. For example, sharp losses in the cattle or feeder cattle futures will likely weigh on the hogs and pork bellies.

Currency Futures-U.S. Dollar Index: Most major IMM currency futures contracts are "crossed" against the U.S. dollar. Thus, when the majority of the currencies are trading higher, it's very likely that the U.S. Dollar Index will be trading lower. It's a good idea for currency traders to keep a watchful eye on the U.S. Dollar Index, as it's the best barometer for the overall health of the U.S. dollar versus major foreign currencies

U.S. Stock Indexes-Lumber: Lumber is a very important commodity for the U.S. economy. It is literally a building block for the nation. If the stock market is sharply higher, lumber futures prices will be supported. A big sell off in the stock market will likely find selling pressure on lumber futures

N.Y. Cocoa-British Pound: London cocoa futures trading is as important (or even more important) than New York cocoa futures trading, on a worldwide basis. London cocoa futures trading is conducted in the British pound currency. Thus, big fluctuations in the pound sterling will impact the price of U.S. cocoa futures, due to the cross-currency fluctuations of the British pound versus the U.S. dollar. Keep in mind there is constantly arbitrage taking place between the New York and London cocoa markets, and thus the currency cross-rates between the pound and the dollar are very important.

Grains-U.S. Dollar Index: A weaker U.S. dollar will be an underlying positive for the U.S. grain futures markets because it makes U.S. grain exports more competitive (cheaper prices) on the world market. Larger-degree trends in the U.S. dollar will have a larger-degree impact on the grains.

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Forex Trading Software - Forex Robots and Expert Advisors, Why You Shouldn't Use Them

The reason you should not trust your money to the Forex trading packages which call themselves Forex robots or Expert Advisors is because they don't make money and the reason is obvious and the subject of this article, Let's see why they lose money.

When I look at any Forex Expert Advisor, I always see a track record which is better than the world's best fund managers, has less drawdown and I can buy this life long income for a hundred dollars or so! Of course it looks to good to be true and it is; if you look closely at the track records, you will notice they all have one thing in common:

They never produce an audited or verified track record from an independent source; all you get are, paper back tests or figures from the vendors themselves.

Why would anyone trust a system which can't produce a verified track record?

Well a lot of naïve and greedy do and they all lose money.

Any sensible person can see that if these Expert Advisors worked, all the dealing teams in banks would be sacked. The top fund managers and dealers, are on multi million salaries and bonuses and a hundred dollar robot would offer a great saving, over these highly paid teams but have any banks sacked their dealing teams? Of course not.

If you want to win at Forex trading understand, you don't make money without making an effort and there is no automatic way to big profits, you have to work for them.

If you want to win at Forex trading get yourself an education, learn skills and you will be well rewarded with a great second or life changing income.
Quite candidly, making an investment in a managed Forex fund isn't the type of solution that most of us are looking out for when we speak of giant profits in the FX market. What happens when you become a stockholder in a managed Forex fund is that you deposit a specific amount of money inside a brokerage account, which will then be managed only either by two brokers or revolving brokers, relying on the situation. There are some upsides as well as drawbacks when having a look at managed Forex funds. One of the upsides is the easy fact that you do not need to do anything to manipulate your own investments - all the investments are done for you and done on the advice of the boss, so you know you are getting solid investment decisions with your hard earned money. Whilst nothing is absolutely assured, masses of speculators have been going into multiple managed accounts as they are unable or not keen to trade adequately for themselves - or because they have no time to sit out front of the computer, handling the trading platform and system and making investment calls. For one, you aren't in control of your cash and that in itself is a big risk.

They may show you all sort of safety precautions and a track record that has lists many years of successfully performance, but there's no such thing as a sure bet - even with managed accounts. You are surrendering the destiny of thousands of dollars to an independent managed Forex fund, who you hope will do a good job at managed your investments. Also, there's an amount of dilution because you are never sure if your account is given the type of attention you need. On the other hand, many managed Forex funds now use PAMM systems to make sure that all of their clients are given precisely the same allocations, which lessens this concern.

Another concern is the level of charges charged to your account. You need to also ensure that the main fee that they are making profits from is the performance fee, which you only pay to them if they make you money. You always must remember that managed Forex funds exist as a way to try to profit for themselves from your investment. If things go well, you both earn cash ; if things go bad, only you loss money. Still, for backers looking to make significant returns, that are typically not correlated to the stock exchanges, managed Forex funds are a cool place to invest some of your capital. Just make efforts to pick a good one, and know that any real fund will have its swings and roundabouts, and that if performance seems to good to be true, it doubtless is.

The Real Million Dollar Question - Will These Forex Robots Actually Work?

The amount of money traded in the Forex each day has reached unbelievable levels and as you would expect many companies have entered the fray with products and tools designed to help you and I, traders, make more cash.

Even if today is your first day looking at the Forex market and you're trying to decide whether or not to get involved, I am certain you've seen dozens of ads for automated trading robots.

Forex trading robots as claimed by their creators and marketers, can monitor the Forex market for fluctuations and act automatically to these changes making trades which make their owners lots of money. Many of these companies claim that their robots can make you money automatically even while you sleep or are on vacation.

What makes these automated robots tick? Exactly how is it they know when to buy, when to sell, or just as important, when to simply do nothing? In a nutshell, Forex robots are designed to monitor fluctuations in currency price and then when certain market conditions are met, they automatically, in many cases, make trades. These "market conditions" are set by the robots owner (you or me) based on several factors including aversion to risk or lack thereof.

Moving forward in the process, once a position has been purchased and established, the robot will then sell that position in an attempt to make it's owner as much profit as possible. The selling point, particularly to newer traders is that the robot can be set up to trade on its own and make a profit with very little downside risk.

Can these robots really make money on auto-pilot as advertised?
My quick answer is no. There are so many factors that drive fluctuations in currency prices that even the most intricate Forex robots can't realistically be expected to make the correct decisions concerning profitability 100% of the time.

Having said that, Forex robots can be and are a very valuable trading tool. They can make turning a profit in the Forex market far easier and can make your learning curve a lot shorter. In my opinion and in my experience, a newer trader will find that achieving profitability is far easier with a robot's guidance than if they try to trade without it. These auto-bots should be monitored and have to be set up correctly to ensure that they make profitable decisions the majority of the time. Follow the instructions carefully and read as much as possible regarding set-up parameters before beginning live trading with real money.

Traders should use Forex robots as tools to simplify their decision making but it is the trader who ultimately should make the decision. Forex robots can be very powerful tools when used in this manner. It is usually when beginner traders take the mindset that they can automatically start making you money without any monitoring or safe guards that problems can arise.

A new trader should research their purchase before buying any tool. As with any product in virtually any market, there are some products that are scams and others which are legitimate and work as advertised, so do your homework.

Whatever Forex trading tool you decide to purchase and use, please keep in mind that it is not the tool but how you use it that will determine your profitability.

Currency Trading in the Forex market is one of the hottest topics online today.

Currency Forex Online Trading product reviews and consumer feedback is a great resource for comparing Forex trading platforms and automated robotic software. Compare features and pricing and read actual consumer reviews. Make an informed buying decision

Learn about forex strategy

As tremendously we would like to predict the stock market movement correctly, this cannot be done with such precision. A lot of algorithms must be moved into account before formulating the desired fluctuations that will bring all the green luck in your fund portfolios.

Gradually, more and more experts have started to share their own unique strategies when it comes to investments and trading. An essential forex strategy will always come in handy for any prospective investor, so as not to lose a lot of their investments.

As a person who is just starting out in the stock industry, it is critical to know what right forex strategy to employ at every opportunity. Without the right techniques and knowledge, profits can be put in incredible risk and may let you lose a lot of hard-earned money. If you are worried about these possibilities, we have some of the most vital strategies that will help you make the most out of every investment.

The Simple Moving Average or SMA is one of the most basic strategies when it comes to foreign exchange. Every period indicated in the stock market holds fifteen minutes that can be used to your advantage.

With this forex strategy or plan in place, you can mark the signal should there be any major changes in the currency of your choice. Once the currency hits way below the twelve period, you will be signaled the opposite so as to get a clear view of a “Stop and Reverse”.

Candlestick pattern trading can also provide you with a lot of profitable opportunities in just a span of thirty minutes. This type of forex strategy is one of the most reliable mechanisms used in stock trading. The patterns will be able to recognize exactly what direction the currency is most likely to follow.

This action will prompt you to make the right allocations should your funds be at risk during fluctuation. The price levels are also estimated for specific currencies and will aid in determining the lowest points that will create the most formidable patterns for your investments.

With the right schemes in play, you can be assured that you will make the most of the money you have invested during trading. There an assortment of plans that can be applied for every Forex trading strategy, however it is always best to know which one is the right technique to use for every situation.

Common charts

This gallery shows:
A histogram typically shows the quantity of points that fall within various numeric ranges (or bins).

A bar chart uses bars to show frequencies or values for different categories.

A pie chart shows percentage values as a slice of a pie.

A line chart is a two-dimensional scatterplot of ordered observations where the observations are connected following their order.

Other common charts are:

Less-common charts

This gallery shows:

A bubble chart is a two-dimensional scatterplot where a third variable is represented by the size of the points.
A Polar area diagram developed by Florence Nightingale is an enhanced form of pie chart.
A radar chart or "spider chart" is a two-dimensional chart of three or more quantitative variables represented on axes starting from the same point.
A waterfall chart also known as a "Walk" chart, is a special type of floating-column chart.

Overview of GCI Financial

GCI Financial Ltd ("GCI") is a regulated securities and commodities trading firm, specializing in online Foreign Exchange ("Forex") brokerage. In addition to Forex, GCI is a primary market maker in Contracts for Difference ("CFDs") on shares, indices and futures, and offers one of the fastest growing online CFD trading services. GCI has over 10,000 clients worldwide, including individual traders, institutions, and money managers. GCI provides an advanced, secure, and comprehensive online trading system. Client funds are insured and held in a separate customer account. In addition, GCI Financial Ltd maintains Net Capital in excess of minimum regulatory requirements.

Forex Account Types

he Standard Forex Account is designed for traders wishing to trade currencies and other major financial products on one of the most sophisticated and full-featured trading platforms in the industry.
Narrow spreads and rapid execution are consistent in all market conditions.
  • $5,000 To open.
  • 100,000 Currency units per lot
  • Currencies, Equity Indices,Crude Oil, and Metals
  • 200:1 Leverage
  • 2 pip spreads
  • ICTS trading software

Standard Forex Account

State-of-the-art trading software. The GCI trading software provides real-time prices in currencies, global equity indices, gold, silver, and crude oil. Live charts, and real-time P&L and account equity tracking are fully integrated into the free software. Windows-based and Java-based versions are available. Download a free demo...
Zero commissions. Client trading performance is enhanced by eliminating all commissions and transaction fees.

USD or Euro Denominated Trading Accounts. GCI clients can now choose to maintain their account balance and P&L in either US Dollars or Euros. Select the Base Currency you want for your account on the account application.

Trade on 2 pip spreads. Clients can trade on tight spreads in major currencies and crosses, 24 hours a day. Unlike many competitors, GCI's spreads are consistent in all market conditions and will never widen during volatile times or news releases.

Hedging Capability. Clients can open positions in the same currency in opposite directions, without the positions offsetting and without using additional margin.
Product Offerings. You can also trade Gold, Crude Oil, S&P 500, DAX 30, Nikkei 225, and Dow Jones on the same trading platform - with the same low margin requirements and zero commissions.

Risk is limited to deposited funds. GCI's sophisticated margin and dealing procedures mean that clients can never lose more than their funds on deposit. All customer funds are insured and maintained in separate accounts.

Tools for successful trading. GCI clients benefit from a wide array of resources to improve their trading results, including market analysis and research, real-time charts, and free Forex trading signals.

Mini Forex Account

Rapid and fair trade execution. Market orders are confirmed within seconds at prices clicked on or accepted by the client. Furthermore, GCI has a "zero slippage guarantee" for all Forex Stop and Entry Stop orders that are placed at least one minute before the market reaches your specified price.

Zero commissions for all accounts. Client trading performance is enhanced by eliminating all commissions.

State-of-the-art trading software. The GCI trading software provides real-time prices in 23 major currencies, 5 equity indices, plus gold, silver, and crude oil. Live charts, and real-time P&L and account equity tracking are fully integrated into the free software. Windows-based and Java-based versions are available.

USD or Euro Denominated Trading Accounts. GCI clients can now choose to maintain their account balance and P&L in either USD or Euros. Select the Base Currency you want for your account on the account application.

Tight 3 - 4 pip spreads. Clients can trade on 3 - 4 pip spreads in major currencies and crosses, 24 hours a day.

Broad offering of financial products. In addition to currencies, you can trade mini versions of Dow Jones, Gold, S&P 500, other equity indices from your Mini Forex account. Trading opportunities and profit potential are that much higher. Click here for a full list of products and specifications.

$2000 minimum account balance. GCI provides access to spot forex trading for individuals as well as institutions. Margin requirements are $50 per lot.

Risk is limited to deposited funds. GCI's sophisticated margin and dealing procedures mean that clients can never lose more than their funds on deposit.

Hedging Capability. Clients can open positions in the same currency in opposite directions, without the positions offsetting and without using additional margin.

Tools for successful trading. GCI clients benefit from a wide array of resources to improve their trading results, including market analysis and research, real-time charts, and free Forex trading signals.

MetaTrader Trading Software

GCI now offers Forex and CFD trading on the popular MetaTrader 4 trading platform. Trading directly from charts, fractional lot capabilities, the ability to program trading signals, and unlimited charts and technical indicators are among the many benefits. MetaTrader is ideal for novice traders and professionals alike. All major currency orders are filled directly in the interbank market, with no dealer intervention or delays.

Test MetaTrader software for free: download the installation file (gci4setup.exe, 3.5Mb) to your PC, launch it and install the program, checking for instructions appearing on your monitor.

ICTS Trading Software

Trade currencies on 2 pip spreads from the Dealing Rates Table or directly from real-time charts. You can set alerts, place conditional orders, and take advantage of our AFX news feed, live quotes, comprehensive real-time position and account tracking, and mobile trading access.

Prices from the "Dealing Rates" windows are constantly updating and can be clicked on at any time to place a trade. This full-featured trading platform also provides real-time account balance, P&L, and margin information, and real-time charts and news. Recent enhancements include the ability to "hedge" (enter opposite positions in the same currency without offsetting or using additional margin).

Foreign exchange market

The foreign exchange market (Currency, Forex, or FX) market is where currency trading takes place. It is where banks and other official institutions facilitate the buying and selling of foreign currencies. [1]FX transactions typically involve one party purchasing a quantity of one currency in exchange for paying a quantity of another. The foreign exchange market that we see today started evolving during the 1970s when worldover countries gradually switched to floating exchange rate from their erstwhile exchange rate regime, which remained fixed as per the Bretton Woods system till 1971.

Today, the FX market is one of the largest and most liquid financial markets in the world, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, corporations, governments, and other institutions. The average daily volume in the global foreign exchange and related markets is continuously growing. Traditional daily turnover was reported to be over US$3.2 trillion in April 2007 by the Bank for International Settlements.[2] Since then, the market has continued to grow. According to Euromoney's annual FX Poll, volumes grew a further 41% between 2007 and 2008.[3]

The purpose of FX market is to facilitate trade and investment. The need for a foreign exchange market arises because of the presence of multifarious international currencies such as US Dollar, Pound Sterling, etc., and the need for trading in such currencies.

What is Forex Trading????????

Forex trading
The investor's goal in Forex trading is to profit from foreign currency movements. Forex trading or currency trading is always done in currency pairs. For example, the exchange rate of EUR/USD on Aug 26th, 2003 was 1.0857. This number is also referred to as a "Forex rate" or just "rate" for short. If the investor had bought 1000 euros on that date, he would have paid 1085.70 U.S. dollars. One year later, the Forex rate was 1.2083, which means that the value of the euro (the numerator of the EUR/USD ratio) increased in relation to the U.S. dollar. The investor could now sell the 1000 euros in order to receive 1208.30 dollars. Therefore, the investor would have USD 122.60 more than what he had started one year earlier. However, to know if the investor made a good investment, one needs to compare this investment option to alternative investments. At the very minimum, the return on investment (ROI) should be compared to the return on a "risk-free" investment. One example of a risk-free investment is long-term U.S. government bonds since there is practically no chance for a default, i.e. the U.S. government going bankrupt or being unable or unwilling to pay its debt obligation.

When trading currencies, trade only when you expect the currency you are buying to increase in value relative to the currency you are selling. If the currency you are buying does increase in value, you must sell back the other currency in order to lock in a profit. An open trade (also called an open position) is a trade in which a trader has bought or sold a particular currency pair and has not yet sold or bought back the equivalent amount to close the position.

However, it is estimated that anywhere from 70%-90% of the FX market is speculative. In other words, the person or institution that bought or sold the currency has no plan to actually take delivery of the currency in the end; rather, they were solely speculating on the movement of that particular currency.

The Difference Forex and Futures

1. A Forex trader could trade more transaction compared to the futures market (the trading volume could be a times larger), and the risk will be strictly under control. The trading volume of the Forex market is 46 times larger compared to the futures market, moreover Forex traders could make more profit from the Forex market due to the larger trading volume (the transaction volume is a few times larger), the REFCO Switzerland rich transaction platform allowed transaction between 1-100 times to be carry on, moreover a Forex trader could decide his or her own transaction amount, for example: Your account has $30,000, the basic transaction unit is each $1,000 (which transaction amount in $1.00, million), namely, so the proportion of the margin of each transaction unit is 100:1.

2. The risk of the Forex trader is under control, such margin call will not happen compared to futures, through the Forex trading system, your risk will receive the strict limit, even if your margin if lower then the deposit required, the Forex trading system will automatically settle your position, this means even if a Forex trader suffered losses, moreover if the market is suffering from a disaster fluctuation, your loss could not surpass your account amount. In order to understand the advantages, please apply for the demo account to carry on the complete zero risk.

3. A Forex trader will receive a large limitation of liquidation and a relatively fair market because the trading volume of the Forex market is large and it is also the largest liquidation market in the world. At present the trading volume in the Forex market is 140 billion Dollars, such big market will completely digest your transaction cash.

4. A Forex trader may do 24 hours transactions and other markets are different, the Forex market is a 24 hour linkages market, it starts from every Sunday before dawn Australian Sydney market, substandard collect the transaction center Singapore, Tokyo, London, Frankfurt to New York continuously to open, such linkage market enable you to do 24 hours transactions, also provide flexibility for Forex trader to do transaction.

Difference Between Forex and Stock

1. The Forex market has a lot of advantages compare to stock market: A Forex trader could make profit through the market no matter if it is bearish and bullish which is different from the capital market, Forex has no strict regulation in speculation, no matter whether it is a long-term or a short-term transaction there is still a hidden profit, moreover, Forex market is a double-transaction market which means Forex traders could make profit through both upward and downward trend.

2. Forex traders could obtain a much larger transaction compared to the stock market, through the Forex trading, Forex traders could obtain 100 times larger transaction compared to the stock market. According to the present US situation, if a Forex trader invests $1,000 in the stock market, the trader may obtain $2,000 of stock domination property with a proportion of 2:1, but through Forex trading, a Forex trader can do transaction with a proportion up to 100:1.Forex trader may make profit from the ordinary news, like the interest rate change, Forex market is closely related to various countries' politic, economy and culture, Forex traders could also obtain profit from other kinds of news, for example interest rate level change, will influence the interest of the Forex deposit.

3. Forex traders could do 24 hours trading. The stock market can only be traded during daytime at a specific time, generally from 9:30a.m. to 4:00p.m.. If you too have your own full time job, then you will face the dilemma - either to give up your full time job or forgo the trading opportunity. But Forex market can be traded 5 days a week and 24 hours a day, Forex traders can trade during their free time which is normally at night after working hour.

4. If a trader analyze based on technical analysis, Forex trading would be much more suitable for such traders because the Forex market has a very large trading volume. Currently the Forex market has daily trading volume of 190 billion Dollar, such giant market will completely digest a fore trader's transaction cash, under such situation the accuracy of the technical analysis would be much higher then any financial market, the chances of using technical analysis to make profit would be much more higher.

5. In the stock market there are hundred and thousand kinds of stocks, then choosing stock will be a very difficult matter. But in the Forex market, the currency combination is extremely limited, this may enable Forex traders to concentrate on these currencies combination, and could follow the trend quickly.

Forex Home Business

The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you’ll find that the subject of forex home business is certainly no exception.
When running a forex home business, a person quickly gains knowledge of how the business world works. Whether it be selling crafts, doing a home delivery business, or selling real-estate, after investing a lot of time and effort into a home or small business, a person quickly becomes aware of the few basic business truths that govern business.

One of those truths is that you have to have time and money to start a small business or any business for that matter. More often than not, the people that have the time dont have the money to invest in a home-based business and the people that have the money dont have the time. With Forex home business, it is quite possible to generate an income with a small time investment per day, after studying FOREX for a few months, and a very small investment as little as $50 in some cases.

The second truth, and these are probably quite obvious to most people, is that in order to make money a business has to have some sort of product to sell or perform some type of service. In the FOREX world, nothing is being sold and no service is being performed, but rather money is being exchanged. You are making a profit based on the actual exchange value of one currency against another currency. This eliminates the need for employees, such as customer service personnel and human resource people if your company were to become that big.

Is everything making sense so far? If not, I’m sure that with just a little more reading, all the facts will fall into place.

Also, because of the huge size of the FOREX market, trading nearly $1.5 trillion dollars a day, such things as social events, bad publicity, and changes in political climate will have no effect on your business. In fact, after studying FOREX, you will be able to see how these things will actually benefit your FOREX home business.

The third and last classical business truth is that most people are prevented from starting a home-based business because they dont feel good enough about themselves. They dont feel like theyre educated enough. I read stories all of the time about people that feel passionate about something or they just pick something that they are relatively good at or have done before and start a business. They just take a chance. If you want to do it, step out. Take that first step. Dont drop any huge sums of money, of course, but do a little research, make a small investment and start your adventure down to the road to FOREX trading.

You dont need a doctorite degree to get involved with FOREX trading, but after a couple of months of good study, its quite possible to generate a significant source of cash from FOREX trading. Forex traders study the political and economic trends in the economically important countries, including USA, Japan, England or the European Union, and make an assessment of the present or future purchase values of these currencies in comparison with each other. Again, the process of sale and purchase is like any other market activity, except that the time period varies. Blindly trade. Forex home business is not about gambling. Consider a situation where you think that the price of a given commodity, say, silver, gold, or wheat, will increase in the near future.
You can’t predict when knowing something extra about forex home business will come in handy. If you learned anything new about forex home business in this article, you should file the article where you can find it again.

Saudi Forex Reserves Reach $250 Billion

By some measures, Saudi Arabia’s reserves are the fastest growing in the world. The country’s reserves recently crossed the $250 Billion threshold, and are now growing at a pace equivalent to nearly 40% per year. The source of the reserves should be a mystery to no one: oil. Oil prices have surged over the last five years, bestowing a windfall of profits to the entire Middle East region. Plus, as summer gets underway, oil prices are sure to climb further, which will ensure continued growth in Saudi forex reserves. Fortunately for the US, the majority of the world’s oil contracts are settled in USD, which means the boom in oil prices has actually stabilized the USD, despite its contribution to the US trade deficit. In addition, Saudi Arabia is one of the world’s most reliable investors in US capital markets, which means Dollar bulls can breathe a cautious sigh of relief that reserve “diversification” will probably be given short shrift by the Sauds

Automated trading platform

An automated trading platform is used both by trading system publishers, and the investors who subscribe to them. Using it, traders can track marked-to-market performance using several different metrics for verifiability.[1] In addition to tracking performance of these "black box" systems, the automated trading platform also provides a venue to permit the system's buy/sell signals to be executed to the subscriber'sbrokerage account automatically. Some of the automated trading platforms are completely broker-agnostic and permit an interface with almost any brokerage firm.
The immediate benefit to investors is that it allows them to have insight into various trading systems that are on offer, which may make claims of profitability. The platform "allows people or institutions that believe they can outperform the market to prove to the public in a verifiable way that they indeed can do so."[2] In the second stage of use, traders subscribe to one or more of these trading methodologies, and have the trades that are specified by the system executed automatically in a brokerage account.
Although turning over decisions and execution to a "black box" system requires the investor to give up an element of control, the automated trading platform does serve the purpose of allowing the trader to spend more time on strategy and on studying trends, rather than executing those strategies manually.

Speed of execution

The appearance of automated trading systems and stock markets has greatly narrowed the window of opportunity on many trades, sometimes to just a few seconds in duration. In response, traders are turning to automated systems of their own. If for example, one is trading on one of the many systems that hinge on these very small windows, manual execution is virtually impossible. Execution of the trades must be initiated immediately, with split-second accuracy, as soon as the system gives the buy/sell signal.[3]

Retail forex

In financial markets, the retail forex (retail off-exchange currency trading or retail FX) market is a subset of the larger foreign exchange market. This "market has long been plagued by swindlers preying on the gullible," according to The New York Times[1]. Whilst there may be a number of fully regulated, reputable international companies that provide a highly transparent and honest service, it's commonly thought that about 90% of all retail FX traders lose money. [2] [3]
It is now possible to trade cash FX, or forex (short for Foreign Exchange (FX)) or currencies around the clock with hundreds of foreign exchange brokers through trading platforms. The reason that the business is so profitable is because in many cases brokers are taking the opposite side of the trade, and therefore turning client capital directly into broker profit as the average account loses money. Some brokers provide a matching service, charging a commission instead of taking the opposite site of the trade and "netting the spread", as it is referred to within the forex "industry."

Recently forex brokers have become increasingly regulated. Minimum capital requirements of US$20m now apply in the US, as well as stringent requirements now in Germany and the United Kingdom. Switzlerand now requires forex brokers to become a bank before conducting fx brokerage business from Switzerland.[citation needed]

Algorythmic or machine based formula trading has become increasingly popular in the FX market,with a number of popular packages allowing the customer to program his own studies.
The most traded of the "major" currencies is the pair known as the EUR/USD, due to its size, median volatility and relatively low "spread", referring to the difference between the bid and the ask price. This is usually measured in "pips", normally 1/100 of a full point.[citation needed]
According to the October 2008 issue of e-Forex Magazine, the retail FX market is seeing continued explosive growth despite, and perhaps because of, losses in other markets like global equities in 2008.

Key Concepts Behind a Retail Forex Trade

Currency Pairs

Currency prices can only fluctuate relative to another currency, so they are traded in pairs. Two of the most common currency pairs are the EUR/USD (the price of US dollars quoted in euros) and the GBP/USD (the price of US dollars quoted in British pounds).

High Leverage

The idea of margin (leverage) and floating loss is another important trading concept and is perhaps best understood using an example. Most retail Forex market makers permit 100:1 leverage, but also, crucially, require you to have a certain amount of money in your account to protect against a critical loss point. For example, if a $100,000 position is held in EUR/USD on 100:1 leverage, the trader has to put up $1,000 to control the position. However, in the event of a declining value of your positions, Forex market makers, mindful of the fast nature of forex price swings and the amplifying effect of leverage, typically do not allow their traders to go negative and make up the difference at a later date. In order to make sure the trader does not lose more money than is held in the account, forex market makers typically employ automatic systems to close out positions when clients run out of margin (the amount of money in their account not tied to a position). If the trader has $2,000 in his account, and he is buying a $100,000 lot of EUR/USD, he has $1,000 of his $2,000 tied up in margin, with $1,000 left to allow his position to fluctuate downward without being closed out.
Typically a trader's retail forex platform will show him three important numbers associated with his account: his balance, his equity, and his margin remaining. If trader X has two positions: $100,000 long (buy) in EUR/USD, and $100,000 short (sell) in GBP/USD, and he has $10,000 in his account, his positions would look as follows: Because of the 100:1 leverage, it took him $1,000 to control each position. This means that he has used up $2,000 in his margin, out of a $10,000 account, and thus he has $8,000 of margin still available. With this margin, he can either take more positions or keep the margin relatively high to allow his current positions to be maintained in the event of downturns. If the client chooses to open a new position of $100,000, this will again take another $1,000 of his margin, leaving $7,000. He will have used up $3,000 inmargin among the three positions. The other way margin will decrease is if the positions he currently has open lose money. If one of his 3 positions of $100,000 decrease by $5,000 in value (which is fairly common), he now has, of his original $7,000 in margin, only $2,000 left.[original research?]
If you have a $10,000 account and only open one $100,000 position, this has committed only $1,000 of your money plus you must maintain $1,000 in margin. While this leaves $9,000 free in your account, it is possible to lose almost all of it if the speculation loses money.[original research?]

Transaction Costs and Market Makers

Market makers are compensated for allowing clients to enter the market. They take part or all of the spread in all currency pairs traded. In a common example, EUR/USD, the spread is typically 3 pips (percentage in point) or 3/100 of a cent in this example. Thus prices are quoted with both bid and offer prices (e.g., Buy EUR/USD 1.4900, Sell EUR/USD 1.4903).[citation needed]
That difference of 3 pips is the spread and can amount to a significant amount of money. Because the typical standard lot is 100,000 units of the base currency, those 3 pips on EUR/USD translate to $30 paid by the client to the market maker. However, a pip is not always $10. A pip is 1/100th of a cent (or whatever), and the currency pairs are always purchased by buying 100,000 of the base currency.
For the pair EUR/USD, the quote currency is USD; thus, 1/100th of a cent on a pair with USD as the quote currency will always have a pip of $10. If, on the other hand, your currency pair has Swiss francs (CHF) as a quote instead of USD, then 1/100th of a cent is now worth around $9, because you are buying 100,000 of whatever in Swiss francs.

Financial Instruments

There are several types of financial instruments commonly used.
One way to deal with the Forex risk is to engage in a forward transaction. In this transaction, money does not actually change hands until some agreed upon future date. A buyer and seller agree on an exchange rate for any date in the future, and the transaction occurs on that date, regardless of what the market rates are then. The duration of the trade can be a few days, months or years.
Foreign currency futures are forward transactions with standard contract sizes and maturity dates — for example, 500,000 British pounds for next November at an agreed rate. Futures are standardized and are usually traded on an exchange created for this purpose. The average contract length is roughly 3 months. Futures contracts are usually inclusive of any interest amounts.
The most common type of forward transaction is the currency swap. In a swap, two parties exchange currencies for a certain length of time and agree to reverse the transaction at a later date. These are not contracts and are not traded through an exchange.
A spot transaction is a two-day delivery transaction for most currency pairs (but one-day for USD/CAD and some others), as opposed to the futures contracts, which are usually three months. This trade represents a “direct exchange” between two currencies, has the shortest time frame, involves cash rather than a contract; and interest is not included in the agreed-upon transaction. The data for this study come from the Spot market.

Iceland Stock Exchange

Iceland Stock Exchange (Icelandic: Kauphöll Íslands) or ICEX was established in 1985 as a joint venture of several banks and brokerage firms on the initiative of the central bank. Trading began in 1986 in Icelandic government bonds, and trading in equities began in 1990.
Equities trading increased rapidly thereafter. A wide variety of firms are currently listed on the exchange, including firms in retail, fishing, transportation, banks, insurance and numerous other areas. Because of the small size of the Icelandic economy and the low cost of public listing, many of the companies traded on the ICEX are relatively small and are relatively illiquid.

All domestic trading of Icelandic bonds, equities and mutual funds takes place on the ICEX. Bonds and equities are regularly traded, though the liquidity is small in comparison with other exchanges. No mutual funds are currently listed on the market. Since its founding, the ICEX has used various electronic systems. Since 2000, it has used the SAXESS system of theNOREX alliance, which allows for the cross-listing of stocks on Nordic stock exchanges. No foreign company lists directly on the ICEX, as the small size and illiquidity of the market makes such a move redundant. Conversely, few Icelandic firms have listed abroad, including DeCODE.Faroese bonds were listed on behalf of Virðisbrævamarknaður Føroya in November 2003, and since December 2007 four Faroese equities have been listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange in Iceland.

Since 1 January 1999, the ICEX has operated as a private company, owned by the listed companies (29%), member firms (29%), the Central Bank of Iceland (16%), pension funds (13%) and the Association of Small Investors (13%).

Þórður Friðjónsson is the current president of ICEX (February 2006). ICEX agreed to be taken over by larger rival OMX Nordic Exchange on 19 September 2006. [1]

On 6 October 2008, the Icelandic Financial Supervisory Authority decided to temporarily suspend trading on regulated market financial instruments issued by Glitnir, Kaupthing Bank, Landsbanki, Straumur Investment Bank, Spron and Exista.[2] When the exchange reopened on 14 October, the stock index fell by 76% [3].