Friday, May 29, 2009

Common charts

This gallery shows:
A histogram typically shows the quantity of points that fall within various numeric ranges (or bins).

A bar chart uses bars to show frequencies or values for different categories.

A pie chart shows percentage values as a slice of a pie.

A line chart is a two-dimensional scatterplot of ordered observations where the observations are connected following their order.

Other common charts are:

Less-common charts

This gallery shows:

A bubble chart is a two-dimensional scatterplot where a third variable is represented by the size of the points.
A Polar area diagram developed by Florence Nightingale is an enhanced form of pie chart.
A radar chart or "spider chart" is a two-dimensional chart of three or more quantitative variables represented on axes starting from the same point.
A waterfall chart also known as a "Walk" chart, is a special type of floating-column chart.

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