Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Expert View

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The Strategy Team of our Daily Expert View consists of:

David KarsbølJohn J. Hardy

David Karsbøl

Manager/Market Strategist, Saxo Bank

David Karsbøl holds a Master of Science degree (Economics) from the University of Copenhagen and has previously been employed as an insurance analyst. Mr Karsbøl works with fundamental analysis and research and contributes to Saxo Bank's strategy products. He also develops and maintains macroeconomic models and a number of trading models, which are designed to profit from co-variations between the Forex and fixed income markets. Mr Karsbøl is regularly appears on major financial news networks and comments several days a week on the financial markets via Saxo Bank's live Market Call webcast. He is a native Danish speaker and is fluent in English.

John J. Hardy

Asset Management, Saxo Bank

John Hardy publishes daily comments on the Forex market. Mr Hardy's analysis attempts to overlay short term technical developments and fundamental event risks with longer term themes and trends in the G-10 currencies. Mr Hardy considers inter-market correlations as paramount in understanding moves in the Forex space, so the analysis draws on a number of models based on other markets and gauges their correlation with Forex markets in an attempt to detect inefficiencies that may provide trading opportunities.

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